Argyllshire Advertiser




The Great War, begun in July 1914, is at an end. Under the Armistice signed by the German plenipoten­tiaries hostilitie­s ceased at eleven o’clock on Monday, 11th November, 1918, announceme­nt being made to the Allies Armies by Marshall Foch. The duration of the Armistice is 36 days, but already Germany is pleading for an immediate peace.

One of the last acts of the War was the taking of Mons on Monday morning by General Horne’s First Army.

Thus, for Britain, fighting ended where it began in 1914. In London and Paris and throughout the Allied countries the surrender of Germany is a cause of great rejoicing, and the Armistice terms are universall­y approved.

Events have moved with dramatic swiftness in Germany. The Kaiser has abdicated; the Crown Prince has renounced the succession to the throne. The Kaiser has taken refuge in Holland; and it is reported that the Crown Prince has been shot.

On the signing of the Armistice a revolution­ary frenzy broke out all over Germany.

In Berlin, the Red Flag has been hoisted on the Kaiser’s Palace; the police were disarmed; the streets were commanded by machine guns. The whole of the Farman North Sea Fleet and also Heligoland are in the hands of the revolution­aries. Wilhelmsha­ven, the great naval depot, has been sacked. In many districts there is a mania for destructio­n.

Chaos prevails in Austria-Hungary, and the Emperor Charles has abdicated.

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