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Helping smokers quit


Every year 10,000 people die of smoking related ill-health in Scotland and whilst smoking rates have fallen significan­tly over the past 20 years, 17 per cent of people in Argyll and Bute continue to smoke.

Argyll and Bute Health and Social Care Partnershi­p have set up specialist services to offer free, non-judgementa­l support in Kintyre, Mid Argyll, Cowal, Bute, Oban and Lorn and Helensburg­h and Lomond.

Smoking is linked to many long-term conditions and diseases like Chronic Obstructiv­e Pulmonary Disease, heart disease, emphysema, diabetes and cancers. Family members breathing second-hand smoke can be at risk too. Second hand smoke causes children to get sick more often and smoking when pregnant increases a greater chance of pregnancy and labour complicati­ons. The earlier you stop, the better it is for you, your family and your baby. Local smokefree advisors

Cowal: Kathie Graham, Cowal Community Hospital phone 07972 678923 or email; Kate Paton, Cowal Community Hospital - 01389 708349 or email

Bute: Mandy Allison, Bute Practice - phone 01700 500521 or email

Lochgilphe­ad: Jill Denton phone 07707 868351 or email

Helensburg­h and Lomond: Mandy Wilson - phone 07799 477867 or email mandy.

Oban and Lorn: Louise Devlin - phone 07795 612590 or email

A Kintyre service will be available from April, 2020.

Additional support, advice and resources can be found online by visiting Smoke-Free Highland website or Quit Your Way webpage via NHS Inform website.

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