Argyllshire Advertiser

The Rest – upgrade Glen Croe forest road as alternativ­e



In response to the open letter to Government regarding the Rest and be Thankful and Councillor Alastair Redman’s letter in the Argyllshir­e Advertiser on August 14, I would just like to explain to government, councillor­s and readers that years ago the Argyll Timber Transport Group proposed and costed the upgrading of the forest road on the other side of Glen Croe as the sensible, safe, low cost solution.

At that time, from memory, the cost was estimated at £1.9 million; much, much less than has been spent on consultant­s’ fees, engineerin­g works – which have not solved the problem – upgrading the old military road and generous payments in cash and kind to local landowners.

Surely it was in the realms of common sense that Scottish ministers for transport and connectivi­ty could agree this simple fix with Scottish ministers for rural affairs. Scottish ministers own the land involved. I strongly urge the Scottish government to adopt this solution, which it would deliver by Easter 2021 if it started now, and when everyone wishes to see action, and everyone is willing to work together.

When we have this new, safe, road and Argyll

is open 24/7 all year round every year, we can go back and examine the wasted time and wasted money and try to learn, going forward, to see the wood and the trees and not to put lives and businesses at risk.

J R Dixon, Cairnbaan

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