Argyllshire Advertiser

Dunoon Men’s Shed in highest royal honour


An Argyll group which aims to combat social isolation has received the highest royal award a group can be given, writes Fiona Ross.

On Thursday June 2 it was announced that the Dunoon Men’s Shed would receive the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service, the group equivalent of an MBE.

The Dunoon-based organisati­on is one of just 22 groups in Scotland and 244 in the UK to receive the award in this, the Platinum Jubilee year.

The shed started up in 2015 as a group of 14 volunteers who met together regularly for social and practical activities.

With donations of materials, tools and equipment, plus official charity status secured in 2016, the group sought larger premises – ending up in Hamilton Street, Dunoon where they have been able to set up areas for woodworkin­g, engineerin­g, electrical repairs, creative activities and community projects.

One of their most visible projects locally is the upkeep of the floral hanging baskets in Dunoon’s Argyll Street, using their own funds, combined with volunteer time and effort, to plant, water and maintain the town centre display.

They also make brightly coloured Friendship Benches placed around the community to encourage people to sit and chat together.

Speaking as the award was confirmed, the LordLieute­nant of Argyll and Bute

Jane MacLeod said: ‘I am absolutely delighted to hear that Dunoon Men’s Shed has received The Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service (QAVS).

‘This award is made to those voluntary groups which truly do go above and beyond for their local community and make a difference to local life.

‘From everything I have heard about what it does and how committed it is, I can fully understand why Dunoon Men’s Shed has achieved this very prestigiou­s accolade.

‘My thanks go to everyone involved for all that they do for the Cowal community.’

Above all, the aim of Dunoon Men’s Shed is to fight isolation and loneliness, and support good mental health and wellbeing, right across the Cowal peninsula.

The commitment to reaching out to each other and to the vulnerable, and ensuring that the shed doors are open to anyone who needs support, are, according to the QAVS administra­tors, what led to the group receiving this recognitio­n of its efforts.

The group also provides a bike maintenanc­e service and is involved in making owl boxes for the Argyll Raptor Group and play installati­ons at local primary schools.

It also offers a wide range of services to the community including car maintenanc­e, picture framing and blade sharpening as well as repair of everything from sewing machines to garden equipment.

Representa­tives of Dunoon Men’s Shed will receive the award crystal and certificat­e from the Lord-Lieutenant of Argyll and Bute later this summer.

In addition, two volunteers from the group will be invited to a garden party at Holyroodho­use in July 2023.

‘From everything I have heard about what it does and how committed it is, I can fully understand why Dunoon Men’s Shed has achieved this very prestigiou­s accolade.’

 ?? ?? Dunoon Men’s Shed has been honoured for a range of work, including creating friendship benches installed throughout Argyll.
Dunoon Men’s Shed has been honoured for a range of work, including creating friendship benches installed throughout Argyll.

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