

Barry’s Bootcamp master trainer @ connorminn­ey


What are your do’s and don’ts for exercising at home?

Do get into a routine of working out at the same time every day if possible and preferably in the morning to invigorate the mind and body. Don’t be unprepared. Know what workout you’re doing – save a workout on Instagram or YouTube and have a read/ watch beforehand.

What is your fitness essential during quarantine?

My good old- fashioned legs. Running is the most natural form of cardio for the body – homo sapiens have been running for 70,000 years! If running scares you or you’re not a strong runner, I promise you, you will be shocked at how quickly you can improve. Set yourself small targets each week, and then slowly start to add some more distance.

Which household item has become your go- to fitness “gadget”?

A tea towel. If you don’t have dumbbells or equipment and you want to elevate your bodyweight workouts, there is a wealth of exercises that can give you a serious burn just by creating tension by holding a towel at each end and pulling on it while you work out.


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