


‘ Marge Gets a Job’ season 4, episode 7 ( 1992) In this unforgetta­ble fantasy sequence, a moonlit Burns flies in through Smithers’ bedroom window; the placement of the latter’s knee raised some eyebrows at the time.

‘ Trouble with Trillions’ season 9, episode 20 ( 1998) An intimate glimpse of Smithers at home ironing his socks and singing ‘ Everything’s Coming Up Roses’ from the musical Gypsy, Malibu Stacy dolls proudly on display.

‘ Homer the Smithers’ season 7, episode 17 ( 1998) When Smithers takes a long- delayed vacation, “Portrait he’s seen of jet- a Lackey skiing on Fire” with available a human 6th tree March of at hunks 7pm worthy on Sky of Showcase Kylie Minogue’s ‘ All The Lovers’ video.

‘ Three Gays of the Condo’ season 14, episode 17 ( 2003) How does Smithers spend his Saturdays? By rollerblad­ing around Springfiel­d’s gay village (“manly yet scented,” according to Homer) in teeny, tiny shorts.

‘ Lisa the Skeptic’ season 9, episode 9 ( 1997) Smithers has been trying to declare his feelings for a blissfully unaware Burns for decades. Most directly by kissing him upon mistaking a publicity stunt for a mall for the apocalypse.

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