Auto Express

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CASE STUDY Inability to source new windscreen leaves Rhodri without his E-class Coupé

- Martin Saarinen

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SPARE parts can be difficult to come by, and windscreen­s are a prime example. With many now requiring calibratio­n for driver assistance systems, it’s understand­able if it takes a few weeks for a replacemen­t to show up and be fitted. But waiting over seven months for a new screen is too much.

This was the situation described to Auto Express by Rhodri Morgan from Cardiff, when his 2015 Mercedes E350 Coupé required a new windscreen after it was struck by a rock from a lorry back in January this year.

“Initially the crack wasn’t too bad, and the car could be driven,” Rhodri told us. However, wanting to have the screen fixed, he called his insurer Allianz, which advised him to fit a spare screen via Autoglass.

“But because of the car’s driver assistance systems, Autoglass told me it couldn’t calibrate it, and said to contact Mercedes for a replacemen­t,” Rhodri explained.

He told us he called local dealer, Mercedes Sinclair of Cardiff & Newport, about a replacemen­t screen in February. “Staff said they didn’t have one, but would see about obtaining one,” he added.

In March, the crack grew worse to the point where Rhodri’s car – which he required for work – was no longer legal to drive. Rhodri and his father John contacted Sinclair again. “We were told there was no screen available in the UK,” he said.

Months passed by, and still Rhodri hadn’t got his screen fitted, and worse, didn’t have a courtesy car as a replacemen­t. In late June he contacted Auto Express for help after being told there was no replacemen­t screen available in all of Europe. “I couldn’t believe this was the case,” he said.

Auto Express got in touch with Mercedes UK, which looked into it. A spokeswoma­n confirmed there were delays with obtaining a screen, but pointed out a replacemen­t had been obtained and fitted in August.

“To compound things there was a breakdown in communicat­ion regarding a courtesy car, and we’ve changed our processes as a result,” she said. “A gesture of goodwill has been made to Mr Morgan, too.”

Rhodri was glad the screen had been installed, but said: “It’s incredible that a replacemen­t took so long to be fitted.”

“Months passed by, but Rhodri failed to get a screen fitted, and had no courtesy car replacemen­t”

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 ??  ?? CRACK UP Screen damage became so bad that E-class Coupé was unusable for months
CRACK UP Screen damage became so bad that E-class Coupé was unusable for months
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