Ayrshire Post

Burn 1000 calories at gym

- Fitness focus

Is it possible to burn 1000 calories in a single workout?

Well you could run – and then you would need to work out all the variants that would get you to that magic number.

If you weigh 150 pounds and manage to run at six miles per hour for 90 minutes then you could crack the 1000 mark.

You really need to work out all the angles for yourself, if running is the way you want to go.

Skipping is one of the most under- rated forms of cardio, yet it burns an awful lot of calories and helps your bone density at the same time.

Again, if you weigh around 150 pounds you would have to perform around 140 revolution­s of the jump rope in one minute, and you would have to maintain that rate for an hour and a half in order to get to 1000 calories.

If you have ever tried to skip for three minutes without a break, you will know how hard it is to keep even that up.

So it would seem that getting to burn your calories is very achievable, but not really realistic as a daily activity.

However. What if you could find an exercise regime that would have enough variables to prevent repetition and strain, and was also realistic for someone who had a decent level of fitness?

Well, as a guide, you could try the following: 100 jump jacks, 100 crunches, 75 crunches, 25 press- ups, 10 burpees, 50 jump jacks, 45 crunches, one minute wallsit, and one minute plank.

This workout, technicall­y, could prove to be a 1000- calorie killer, but remember that it will depend on your own variables. However, performed at your maximum, you probably wouldn’t be far away.

Now, before you throw the paper away and get started, may I remind you that you shouldn’t start any exercise programme without consulting your doctor first.

There are plenty of dangers involved in doing extreme exercise without notice, so perhaps give this a wide berth if you are new to exercise.

Movements such as jump jacks can be very damaging to your joints and muscles if you are new to working out.

So be aware of doing extreme workouts before your body is ready.

If you are a regular exerciser, why not break the movements down a bit and see how you get on?

Divide by four the first time you try it and see how it goes.

If that eventually becomes easy, divide by two and give it a go.

If, however, you are an Olympic- type athlete, and you are used to high- intensity interval training, give this a go and see how you get on.

If possible, wear some tech to record your results and see if you get close to the thousand. I would love to hear your results. Remember, you will also need a warmup before getting going, so take care.

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 ??  ?? Work it Could you try to burn 1000 calories in a workout
Work it Could you try to burn 1000 calories in a workout

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