Ayrshire Post

With festive party season right around the corner it’s time to make some moves


With the festive season just weeks away and your party night pencilled in the diary, many fashion conscious fitness fans will be thinking about looking great in the iconic fashion evergreen, that is the little party dress.

A staple of every party girls wardrobe, the LBD is essential for the holiday season.

Always in style, and easy to accessoris­e, the classic line of the dress can cause a stir anywhere.

However, time is ticking and if you want to look good in the outfit, it’s a perfect time to start thinking about getting fit for the perfect cocktail number.

In our fifth week we take a break from fitness to think about making moves on the dancefloor once you reach your goal.

Inspired by Strictly and fitness class FitSteps, we share some tips to give you the confidence to be the first up at the office dance.

It’s that awkward moment at the night out.

The DJ is doing his best to get the crowd going but it’s still a little early and nobody has the confidence to get up on the dance floor and get things going.

At this point you have two choices:

Wait for the bravest in the group to get up and lead the way or grab the bull by the horns and get it started yourself.

Easier said than done though, right?

What if you end up the only dancer on the floor? What if nobody joins you?

The horror of the track ending and you have to skulk dejectedly back to your seat. Well here’s an option. It requires a little practise and planning, but could really set the night on fire.

Grab a few friends that are going out with you and plan a little routine to your favourite chart track.

Perhaps you fancy a bit of Single Ladies by Beyonce or maybe you love the Cha Cha Slide.

It doesn’t really matter, just select your track and get rehearsing.

Thanks to YouTube, you will no problem finding some easy steps to master.

Keep it simple and easy to remember.

The easier the better, as you will find it simple to learn and once you are up there, others can follow the steps and join in.

So this year be the group that gets the party started.

Select a great well known song, learn a couple of easy steps with your group of friends, get to the party, tell the DJ to play your song, then amaze everyone by getting up and having your very own flash mob party dance.

The other guests will love the ultimate party ice breaker and want to join in.

Next week we look at how to tweak your fitness routine as the party night season begins in Ayrshire.

 ??  ?? Dance moves Be the first up at the office party this year
Dance moves Be the first up at the office party this year

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