Ayrshire Post

Swing into a game of golf

A round on the greens is great exercise

- Lorraine Howard

Spring time is good for your exercise regime, the lighter nights and better weather mean it is time to get outside and enjoy the fresh air.

You’ve been indoors most of the winter, with just a treadmill for company and then you hear it - the siren call of warmer weather summoning you outside.

And golf is one activity to consider taking up this spring to keep you fit and healthy.

As Ayrshire prepares for the 2017 Scottish Open at Dundonald Links, it may have inspired you to take up the sport.

Although golf is often seen as a leisurely sport and one enjoyed by those who aren’t into hardcore sports, it’s actually a great form of exercise.

Studies prove that people who get at least 30 minutes of cardiovasc­ular exercise three to four days a week reduce their risk of heart disease, stroke, bone disease, and arthritis.

For golfers who carry their own clubs, golf offers both cardio and weight bearing exercise.

Since many golf games take between two and four hours, you can get the recommende­d amount of exercise with just one golf game.

Golfing requires a lot of walking. With 18 holes, the average course is between five and eight miles.

If you keep a brisk pace while walking from hole to hole, you can definitely get in a good cardio workout.

The walk from the last hole back to the clubhouse is usually at least a mile, so between the walk between holes and the walk back to the clubhouse you can burn upwards of 250 calories.

Brain stimulatio­n is also a plus with golf, regular daily walking strengthen­s the brain’s memory circuits.

And an 18- hole round easily exceeds the recommende­d 10,000 steps a day to boost weight loss.

It can also improve sleep as exercise and fresh air are a powerful combinatio­n for improved sleep.

Walking the course will give you a good workout.

Regular exercise helps you sleep faster and remain in a deep sleep for longer.

Sleep helps your muscles rest and repair.

The other bonus for golf is that it is a low- impact activity in the sense that one walks on a soft, gently rolling surface.

A good way to get started is to take lessons to acquire the fundamenta­l skills before hitting the course.

Alternativ­ely, you could gather a group of friends, hire some clubs and make your way around your local public course, which can be equally as enjoyable.

As you improve, you may consider purchasing a set of clubs and, if you are really keen, you may have the clubs custom- made to suit you.

Warm up and stretch before playing, paying particular attention to your back, shoulders and arms.

Include gentle movement and mobility exercises followed by gentle air swings or ball hits using short irons ( a type of golf club).

Take lessons. Good technique is your best defence against injuries.

Stand at least four club lengths away from a swinging club. Stand behind a swing in progress in your group.group Use good equipment including shoes, socks, gloves and clothing. Have golf equipment profession­ally fitted before purchase.

Wear sun protection ( clothing, hat, sunglasses and 30+ sunscreen) between April and September where heat and UV is at its highest.

Drink water before, during and after a game.

Know and practise the basic rules and etiquette of the game. Check that no one else is standing close by before you swing. Don’t play until the group in front is outofout of the theway way. Shout ‘ fore’ towarnofto warn of danger to players and spectators.

Give way to ground staff and wait until they call you to play on.

Lift and carry clubs safely and, when necessary, use a buggy.

In times of extreme heat, you may need to reconsider the playing conditions. Consider playing in the early morning or twilight.

Stop playing immediatel­y when an injury occurs.

Seek first aid or prompt medical treatment for any type of injury, irrespecti­ve of how severe it is.

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 ??  ?? Tee time Getting out on the course is great for your mind and body
Tee time Getting out on the course is great for your mind and body
 ??  ?? Game on A round of golf can be great exercise
Game on A round of golf can be great exercise

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