Ayrshire Post

Anne gives a taste of her recipes


Vice president Annie Kennedy welcomed members and visitors to Sorn SWI October meeting held in Sorn village hall.

Annie commented on the good turnout on such a wet evening and introduced our demonstrat­or, Anne McLanachan to the meeting, who is also a member of the committee. Anne’s theme for the demonstrat­ion was store cupboard cooking, but she also stressed that her recipes were intended for one or two people to share, which went down well with the audience. Anne was assisted by her sister in law Geraldine and everyone had the chance to try the dishes later with a cup of tea. Ann Wallace thanked both ladies for an enjoyable demonstrat­ion and tasting session.

While business was discussed, Geraldine judged the competitio­ns. Results are as follows: 3 Cheese Scones, 1st Annie Clark, 2nd, Anne McLanachan, 3rd, Maureen Kerr. Springtime Photo, 1st, Annie Clark, 2nd, Maureen Kerr, 3rd, Anne McLanachan.

Before the raffle was drawn, Annie reminded everyone that our next meeting, on Monday 6th November will be our ANNUAL WHIST DRIVE in the Village Hall at 7.30pm to which all will be made welcome. If any non members and friends wish to attend, please contact secretary Ann Wallace on 0129055099­9, or President Jean Shaw on 0129055135­4, for catering purposes. Entry will be £ 4 including supper and there will also be a raffle. Advertisin­g posters will be put up nearer the time and informatio­n is also available on Sorn SWI’s Facebook page.

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