Ayrshire Post

Six new faces for Rotary

- Michael Reynolds

Ayr Rotary Club welcomed six new members to become one of the largest clubs in the west of Scotland.

Joining the Rotary are Euan and Katie Nicol, who recently moved from Ayr to Blairgowri­e, teacher Allan McWilliam, who served as headmaster at Littlemill, Ochiltree and Dundonald Primary Schools and his wife Lynn McWilliam, who taught in a number of Ayrshire schools after attending Craigie College in Ayr.

They will also be joined by Doug Wilson, who has travelled the country during his working life as an electrical engineer as well as serving as a long- time Boys’ Brigade Officer, and Hugh Millar, who taught physics and maths in Ayrshire schools before becoming the head teacher of Kilmarnock’s Grange Academy for 20 years.

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