Ayrshire Post

A word from the minister’s wife on Easter


A South Ayrshire Minister’s wife explains what Easter means to her...

Jesus the marmite guy? Soon, we will all be making plans for the Easter weekend, aka the most important celebratio­n in the Christian calendar, more so than Christmas. We celebrate Easter because just over 2000 years ago a man – Jesus; went to his death on a cross for you and for me and, back then, just like marmite; you either loved him or hated him.

Jesus, aged 30, preached and taught about God for just three years. His teachings were so radical and anti- establishm­ent that he really hacked the religious leaders off, so much so that they eventually had him killed - Good Friday. The one thing that they didn’t count on, was that he actually was God’s Son and that even death on a cross would not defeat him; he came back to life again three days later – Easter Sunday.

Jesus spoke the language of the guy in the pub – he showed the religious leaders up for what they really were. He scared them because they had controlled ordinary people for a long time with their made up rules but Jesus spoke truth and gave hope to all. He healed many, physically and emotionall­y, even on a Sabbath ( a really bad thing back in the day). Jesus respected women – again, not good then. Jesus, a boundary breaker who challenged the status quo.

This Easter, perhaps, think about Jesus, whom, like marmite, inspired either love or hate – you can read about this historic event in the New Testament book of John in the Holy Bible.

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