Ayrshire Post

Anonymous angel helps out the Lochside Mission


A church project received a whopping £ 1000 from an anonymous donor.

Ayr’s Lochside Mission and Outreach needs to raise £ 2,000 to pay for a new minibus deposit.

The team were stunned to receive the sum from a secret backer through JustGiving page on March 28.

The donor wrote: “We would like to make an anonymous donation to encourage you this weekend. Please be encouraged. God bless .”

The mini bus is needed to ferry equipment around and take children on trips.

Project leader Dylan Harper said: “Words can’t describe how thankful we are. We don’t have a clue who it is. We are delighted as we are in a difficult position financiall­y. “

Thanks to their online angel they are now half way toward the target. However their good work is being hampered through lack of funds overall.

The Lochside Mission has spent £ 15,000 towards church repairs.

Another £ 7,000 was spent on utilities vouchers for people who can’t afford electricit­y and heating.

Dylan said: “We didn’t anticipate the utilities vouchers would be so needed. We really don’t want to turn people away.

But sometimes people come to us for help and we have to say sorry we don’t have the money.

It is a privilege to help folk as much as we can.

The team will also deliver free meals for children in the Easter holidays.

To help, visit: www. justgiving. com/ crowdfundi­ng/ lmovanfund

 ??  ?? Big hearted The team at Lochside Mission 230617Loch­side_ 1
Big hearted The team at Lochside Mission 230617Loch­side_ 1

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