Ayrshire Post

Talk of the town from our social media


Our front page told of angry residents who hit out against a paedophile housed beside a primary school in Ayr.

Vigilantes smashed windows in the sex offender’s flat in Dalmilling, sparking panic in the community.

Sandra Murphy said: “There’s people on the housing list for years and they can give houses out to this type of person - totally wrong.”

Nancy Ovenstone said: “The Council just don’t care where they dump horrible people.”

Rita Nicol Barr commented: “I can’t blame the residents. Who wants them in your community waiting and watching for a child to let their guard down?”

And Liz Neally said: “It’s disgracefu­l letting these monsters back near schools and play parks.”

●We told of Cumnock Community Council backing a campaign to save a vital chemothera­py service in Ayr.

Audrey Anne Short said: “The changes made at Ayr hospital is shocking and not fair on patients or the staff.”

Lisa Murphy commented: “Station 15 provides the best service ever. Why are they doing this?”

Jackie Mezzetti Scott said: “I had my chemo there and my hubby too (twice). It is the most amazing place and the staff are second to none. Moving it would be a BIG mistake.”

●Wicked vandals destroyed trees at a popular beauty spot in Maybole.

Thomas Merry said: “Disgusting. What satisfacti­on is there in doing that?

“They try and make places look good and presentabl­e for the community and some brainless cretins do this!

“It makes my blood boil. Absolutely no respect.”

Sarah Bradley added: “Just why? No need for it.”

Duane Roger questioned if it was due to the winds.

He said: “Didn’t you just have high winds in that area? From the picture it just looks like wind damage.”

But concerned resident Robert Dalgleish replied: “This was last week before the winds.”

●Two female thieves had been put behind bars for robbing a pensioner.

Anne Gordon said their jail sentence was “not long enough.”

Jamie Crichton added: “Horrible robbing anyone, never mind vulnerable pensioners.”

●Emotional tributes poured in for a popular football coach.

Ayr Boswell Boys Club John Rowan passed away after the dad-of-three lost his brave battle with cancer.

Alister Mckenzie said: “So sad for such a talented young man. My thoughts are with his family and friends. Taken far too soon.”

Emma Robertson added: “Sleep tight John. You’ll be sorely missed.”

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