Ayrshire Post

Toxic oil washed up on beaches

Dog owners warned over palm sludge

- Pippa Smith

Dog owners have been urged to keep their pets under control after a toxic substance sparked safety fears on Prestwick Beach.

There were sightings of palm oil washing up on the shoreline last week.

And as it is known to be attractive to dogs, beach goers and dog owners are being urged to be wary.

This follows previous reports of the lard looking substance being found across the coastline.

Palm oil is a natural product that is mainly used in food processing and can be legally discharged into the sea by ships. However, it can be contaminat­ed by fuel waste and other toxins left in the waters, which eventually turns it into a solid formation of a wax substance.

It is known to be very toxic to dogs and can cause vomiting and diarrhoea, but can also cause kidney damage and liver failure.

Julie Twaddell, from Friends of Prestwick Seafront, said: “Last year I wrote to South Ayrshire Council, SEPA and Scottish Water.

“Palm oil washes up all over the coast and no agency was particular­ly interested in the volume washing up.

“I was told it was washing up on all of the beaches and it was not a problem to Prestwick.

“The issue for dogs is if diesel gets absorbed into it.

“A few months ago, there was a really big slab of it. I went and took down bin bags to remove it.

“When I picked it up it cracked in two and the smell was horrendous.”

A council spokesman confirmed that they were aware of palm oil on its beaches and have advised dog owners to “keep their dogs under control” to “minimise” the risk.

He added: “We are aware that palm oil has been washing up at different locations and we are removing it.

“Where we are aware of the issue signage is in place to warn dog owners of the risk to their pet from eating it.

“We would also advise pet owners to keep their dogs under control to minimise the risk.”

 ??  ?? Toxic Palm Oil found on Prestwick BeachPictu­re Skye Schnoodle
Toxic Palm Oil found on Prestwick BeachPictu­re Skye Schnoodle

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