Ayrshire Post

Tackle seagull menace


Continuing the ‘ Seagull Saga’, I am finding it all a bit strange about the gull who was allegedly kicked in Carrick Street, Ayr.

I do not condone cruelty to animal but it is strange no one saw this incident or came forward.

I would have thought that the bird having been kicked viciously would have been unable to fly away.

Is there such a thing as undercover cruelty to animal officers going about Ayr?

If so they never seem around when some poor dog is being kicked by a vicious owner.

Regards this officers statement that the bird was minding his own business, since when did seagulls mind their own business?

They are constantly in your face in an aggressive manner.

I am one of the unlucky ones who have been swooped on by those birds, and I dont think environmen­tal are doing enough to deter them from towns.

The clue is they are SEAgulls. Stop them from nesting on buildings and chase them back out to sea. Put signs up all over town and teach people they will be fined if they are caught feeding them. Name/ Address supplied Thanksfory­ourhelp This is a thank you letter to the lady who kindly phoned the AA and took me up to collect my spare car key from my flat and took me down to Ayr Beach after I lost my key during last month’s storm.

The wind was so strong and blowing the sand so wildly that I would never have found my keys.

I want to thank whoever found my keys and handed them into Ayr Police Station, it is good to know there are still honest folk out there .

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