Ayrshire Post

Elderly hit with meal price hike

Council impose “austerity” on the vulnerable

- Stuart Wilson

Heartless council chiefs have whacked the elderly h a monster price hike for their meals.

People attending Ayr’s Overmills Day Centre are now paying an extra 35 PER CENT for their lunches.

The move, implemente­d this week, has sparked outrage with critics claiming the vulnerable are being targeted in the pocket.

It comes despite the council having an underspend of almost £ 11 million.

Councillor­s agreed to the extra costs in their budget earlier this year.

From Monday this week, service users have seen the price of their two course meal jump by £ 1 to £ 3.85.

Those attending the popular centre enjoy a range of activities including quizzes, crafts, cooking and discussion groups.

The facility, in Westwood Avenue, employs eight staff.

But users were lettered last week to inform them of the impending price hit.

The letter, sent by the council’s principal accountant Marie Keris, explained the move was “part of a plan to balance the budget”.

But the council’s opposition leader, Conservati­ve Martin Dowey, said: “To increase the price of meals to our elderly who, in most cases, are on a fixed budget, is self imposed administra­tion austerity.

“The council is sitting on all that underspend yet does this to people who can ill afford it.

“It is absolutely disgracefu­l and those who agreed this should be ashamed of themselves.”

A council spokesman said yesterday ( Tuesday): “Day centre meals continue to be heavily subsidised, however with a view to balancing the budget, members of the Integrated Joint Board have agreed to an increased charge of £ 1 per meal.”

• What is your view on the issue? Send your comments to news@ ayrshirepo­st. co. uk or contact us through our Facebook or Twitter pages.

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