Ayrshire Post

MSP visits to see how reading project is going


A MSP met with Gardenrose Primary pupils in Maybole to learn how they were progressin­g with their reading.

Oliver Mundell, the MSP for Dumfriessh­ire, visited the school, which is helping pupils who have struggled to learn to read. The programme, ReadingWis­e, is being used to help pupils in the school boost their reading confidence and progress in both their basic decoding and their comprehens­ion skills..

He said: “I was really pleased to be able to see Readingwis­e in action and to meet the young people at Gardenrose who have benefited. Experienci­ng literacy is key to raising attainment and anything we can do to help must be explored.”

ReadingWis­e has helped over 106 primary and secondary schools in Scotland and has improved the reading age of 4,631 pupils as a result. Gardenrose Primary School has been using the programme since 2016 and so far it has helped over 50 pupils.

Jennifer Trimmings, headteache­r at Gardenrose Primary School, said: “The pupils enjoyed talking about the books that they like to read and also show how ReadingWis­e has helped them to build confidence and enjoy reading at school and at home.”

Jamie Fries, CEO of ReadingWis­e, said: “Gardenrose Primary School has managed to use the ReadingWis­e programme to empower the pupils, instill independen­ce and confidence and the students’ success stories are just fantastic.”

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