Ayrshire Post

Turnberry will stay

Power of the people as caravan park keeps name


The people have spoken and the name will stay.

That’s the verdict of Turnberry Holiday Park who have abandoned plans to change its name due to “the Trump effect”.

Bosses at the caravan park feared they may have to drop Turnberry from their name due to its links with Donald Trump.

A survey of 1000 people found that 32 per cent were less likely to stay with them because of the associatio­n with the US president.

However, since announcing the proposed name change, the strong opinion from caravan users was “keep the name”.

Andrew Howe, chief executive of Bridge Leisure, who owns Turnberry Holiday Park, said the name will stay - and they will embrace it.

He said: “We felt like there was a risk to the business and I think it would’ve been a bit cavalier of us to make a decision without consulting everyone who had invested interest.

“There’s lots of people who enjoy holiday homes in the park so we asked them and the majority were in favour of keeping it as it is.

“We might be the owners of it but there’s lots of people who care about it and it’s an important part of their lives.

“It was right for us to make sure we were taking into account their views but the majority were in favour of keeping the name and we wouldn’t go against their wishes.

“I have to say I’m quite pleased about it- I think we should stand up to it.

“It’s a good name, good pedigree but it’s a shame it’s become a bit tainted.” At the time, Councillor Alec Clark was outraged at the name change proposal.

He said: “Why would you want to change the name Turnberry?

“It’s associated with the village of Turnberry; with this beautiful part of the Ayrshire Coast and the history that is there.

“Keep it called Turnberry, keep it well publicised, and people will come just the same because they love it.” Send your views to news@ ayrshirepo­st.co.uk

 ??  ?? Historical links Turnberry Holiday Park overlooks a beautiful coastline
Historical links Turnberry Holiday Park overlooks a beautiful coastline

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