Ayrshire Post

‘ Beast of Barrhill’ savages little girl

Dangerous dog attack


A five- year- old girl had to go to hospital after being bitten by a Rottweiler.

The incident took place in Barrhill, where the dog was said to have clamped down on the child’s arm.

It is claimed the dog has attacked before in 2016, when an eight- yearold boy was bitten on his right shin and left arm.

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Post: “A little girl was attacked by the same dog and taken to hospital.

“She had a thick coat on but he still managed to go through it and puncture her lower forearm and pull the skin back.

“The last attack in 2016 left a boy needing to have surgery on his arm because the dog had ripped through his muscle and tendon.

I don’t know how they got that dog back.”

The resident said they felt “let down by the system”. They added: “I’m absolutely disgusted with the fact that this could have been prevented if the authoritie­s did their job correctly.

“This dog can climb gates and fences that are waist- high.

“This so- called dangerous dog, who was in the papers and everyone knows about, is just allowed to wander around.

“The dog attacked that little girl because it jumped out of its pen.

“If he did all that damage the first time round to that little boy how was

This could have been prevented if the authoritie­s did their job correctly

the owner allowed to walk into a dog pound and get his dog back without any checks done?”

A police spokesman said the dog’s owner has been reported.

He said: “Following a report of a 5- year- old girl having been bitten by a dog in Barrhill on Monday, January 28, a 34- year- old man is subject to a report to the procurator fiscal in connection with the incident.”

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