Ayrshire Post

Issues about parking raised


Ayrshire Roads Alliance bosses have expressed worries over possible problems with parking at the site of the proposed new nursery in Catrine’s Ballochmyl­e Street.

In his assessment to East Ayrshire Council’s planning committee, Mark Scott, transporta­tion engineer, said he did have “concerns.”

Mr Scott said parking was“extremely tightly constraine­d” and highlighte­d the fact that “additional parking and drop off trips” were “likely to be associated with the proposal.”

He said: “The proposed Catrine Early Years facility includes staff and cycle parking with pick up and drop off parking being accommodat­ed in existing laybys very close to the site that will be upgraded to accommodat­e the

‘ PUDO’( Pick Up and Drop Off) trips.

“The parking analysis indicates that the car park has capacity for the additional vehicle trips throughout the majority of the day, with the exception of the morning and afternoon peaks associated with PUDO.

“With an appropriat­e parking strategy in place, vehicle movements can be managed, allowing safe pupil PUDO and a smooth operation.

“To allow the PUDO pa parking to work su successful­ly the area im immediatel­y adjacent to th the proposed site would req require to have parking res restrictio­ns installed, in the int interests of pedestrian sa safety.”

ARA has, however, rec recommende­d approval of the planning consent, su subject to a number of pla planning conditions and ad advisory notes being met.

Scottish Water has “no ob objection” to the planning ap applicatio­n either.

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