Ayrshire Post

‘A lengthy custodial sentence is needed’


On sentencing, Lord Matthews made the following statement in court: “You pleaded guilty to killing Morgan Dunn, a man you had only just met, following the consumptio­n by both of you of drink and drugs at a house in Ayr.

“He died as a result of two stab wounds to the heart.

“The Crown accept that the crime amounted to culpable homicide rather than murder, as a result of provocatio­n by Mr Dunn in the circumstan­ces set out in the agreed narrative.

“There was no premeditat­ion and the violence was spontaneou­s.

“The knife was not one which you had brought but was lying open, having been used to cut up drugs.

“The Crown accept that it was the deceased who went for the knife first and I must sentence you on that basis.

“In deciding on an appropriat­e sentence I have had regard to these circumstan­ces, the report prepared by a social worker and everything said on your behalf.

“I have also taken account of your record, which contains amongst other things three conviction­s for violence.

“They were, however, on summary complaint and did not entail anything like the violence involved in this case.

“The victim impact statement, written by Mr Dunn’s mother, in her own hand, is a heart-breaking document setting out very clearly how his loss has affected and will continue to affect her and her own mother.

“If it were within my power to relieve their grief I would do so but it is clear that no sentence I can impose will have that effect.

“I am not satisfied that an extended sentence is required in this case but a lengthy custodial sentence is plainly needed. Had the matter gone to trial I would have imposed a sentence of imprisonme­nt on charge 1 amounting to 11 years and 6 months, 6 months being attributab­le to the bail aggravatio­n. As it is, in view of the timing of the plea, the sentence will be one of imprisonme­nt for nine years including five months for the bail aggravatio­n. On charge 2 the sentence will be one of imprisonme­nt for nine months including four months for the bail aggravatio­n. It would have been 12 months with six months attributab­le to bail but for the timing of the plea. That sentence will run concurrent­ly with the sentence on charge 1. Both will be backdated to 20 February 2020.”

 ??  ?? Sentence
Lord Matthews
Sentence Lord Matthews

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