Ayrshire Post

Car giants help hero get back on his bike

Arnold Clark step in with cycle after heartless theft


A hero lifeboat volunteer who had his bike stolen while out on an emergency call has been donated a new set of wheels.

Evan Gallacher, 50, was left ‘gutted’ after his bike was snatched from the back of his pick-up truck earlier this month as he raced to help fellow crew on a call-out at Troon RNLI.

The volunteer was shocked following the theft of the graphite grey Btwin Rockrider which left crew members on ‘high alert’.

But this week a big-hearted Arnold Clark worker with Ayrshire connection­s kindly offered a bike from the business to Evan.

Craig McCracken, 57, originally from Dalrymple, was shocked to read about the actions of heartless ‘thieves’ in the Post.

The autoparts manager, based in Glasgow, decided to obtain one of the firm’s own bikes and deliver it to Evan himself.

Craig, who has his own boat at Croy beach, wanted to do something to help an organisati­on close to his heart.

The company has also made a £500 donation to the lifeboat station.

He said: “I’m an Ayrshire guy and I’ve got a wee boat down at Croy beach.

“You might need these guys one day so when I saw what had happened I was appalled.

“It’s really heartless to steal someone’s bike but to steal an emergency worker’s bike when they are out on a call is the lowest of the low.

“People don’t associate Arnold Clark with selling bikes but the autoparts side of the business has been doing bikes for a number of years so I called Evan up and offered him one.”

Police are investigat­ing the theft, which happened between 7.30pm and 9.20pm on Tuesday, June 1, from the lifeboat station on Harbour Road. Anyone with informatio­n is asked to call 101 quoting reference UD00770621.

 ??  ?? Pedal Power Evan Gallacher receives a bike and a £500 cheque from Craig McCracken of Arnold Clark
Pedal Power Evan Gallacher receives a bike and a £500 cheque from Craig McCracken of Arnold Clark

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