Ayrshire Post

Mountain to climb to tackle poverty

- Carol Mochan

As a new MSP arriving at Holyrood for the first time I have been struck by how distant the trappings of the Scottish Parliament are from the lives of ordinary people in South Scotland.

There is support and advice in abundance to help us carry out our new duties, yet back home people are struggling from the adverse economic and health effects of Covid whilst fighting to keep their heads above water.

The concerns raised with me in the community since I started reflect this.

A serious lack of affordable housing, difficulty in accessing health services, and, of course, a concerning shortage of good well-paid jobs, which is especially the case for young people trying to get their first start after leaving education.

Landing a career that can keep you in the community is a difficult task at the best of times but when we hear that as many as 24.8 per cent of young people in South Ayrshire are growing up in poverty to begin with, it is clear there is a mountain to climb before we can even say there is a fair foundation to build on.

In order to address this disparity we need to start hearing more voices from directly within our communitie­s at places like Holyrood.

That is why I am asking everyone from across the region to get in touch with their MSPs and influence the decisions being made in your name.

There are a great many people who are sadly ignored by our political system and I see it as my role to amplify their worries, experience­s, and find solutions that match the reality they live in.

After all, the Parliament is there to represent the people, not – as some might suggest – to simply rule over them.

 ??  ?? Labour view Carol Mochan
Labour view Carol Mochan

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