Ayrshire Post

Consultati­on does not stack up

Council just won’t listen to reason


Last week’s “Letters to the Editor” section was like a visit to the bus stop. You wait months and months for an elected South Ayrshire councillor to say something about anything . . . then two come along at once!

But hey, when you actually read what Councillor­s Saxton and Cullen had to say – normal service was quickly resumed.

And the real issues – at the heart of the Riverside Flats and the Citadel/ New Leisure Centre proposals – were completely ignored.

In both cases – the common denominato­r is public “consultati­on” being sought . . . and then completely ignored.

In both cases – SAC is bluntly determined to deliver what it wants . . .. not what the public wants.

Any alternativ­es to their plans are simply dismissed without due considerat­ion – no matter how independen­t, qualified or wellintent­ioned the source.

Even an electronic petition – properly managed, conducted and delivered –isn’t worth the paper it wasn’t written on!

On Riverside Place, Councillor Saxton devotes a dozen paragraphs of his letter to SAC’s alleged ‘consultati­on’ process.

Let me reply is a single sentence . . . On June 20, 2019, SAC members were briefed – in writing – that a majority of 46 per cent of households wanted their multi-storey homes refurbishe­d and retained.

Er . . . the prosecutio­n rests, Councillor Saxton.

But clearly the word “majority” has a different meaning at SAC – especially when it goes against SAC’s own plans.

Some 38.6 per cent of households indicated a preference to demolish the flats and re-house existing tenants. And 13.1 per cent preferred the option to demolish and rebuild at the Riverside Place site.

Sadly, there’s not enough room on this page to even begin explaining how this “consultati­on” was conducted and why many tenants later complained they were unaware of its implicatio­ns.

However, with the final figures not to SAC’s liking – it was time to start massaging them.

In SAC’s eyes – the 38.6 per cent and 13.1 per cent combined to show a “majority” voting to demolish! Game over!

And quite how the 13.1 per cent option – to demolish and rebuild flats at Riverside Place – became SAC’s final decision is anybody’s guess!

The fact that refurbishi­ng the flats would ultimately generate rents of £57 million – £38 million more than the other two options – was largely ignored.

Just as SAC has ignored representa­tions from building and constructi­on profession­als that the flats are safe, habitable and can be affordably upgraded.

Will ANYTHING change SAC’s mind? I doubt it. Not even a visit from Greta Thunberg, the climate activist, who could update SAC on the COP 26 recommenda­tions that the refurbishm­ent of existing buildings be given priority status and extra funding for such projects should be urgently made available!

If the Riverside flats would get wee Greta greetin’ – what would she make of SAC’s decision not to refurbish The Citadel either?

A climate change conscious Council? Are you kidding?

So on then to Councillor Cullen’s letter – which more or less argues that digging out 4000 tonnes of earth, pile driving support for 3500 tonnes of water and erecting a leisure complex – in the heart of a conservati­on zone – brings fewer “issues” that refurbishi­ng The Citadel. Really?

On the now infamous nonnew petition, he uses seven words to tell us “We always welcome feedback from the community.” And then another 200 words explaining in great detail why this feedback is not welcome at all! Really?

And as for “2000 parking places within a five minute walk of the new site” – it does beg the question – how fast do you walk, Chris?

Not that it matters much.

Our councillor­s can walk or run as fast at they like – but they can’t hide.

The re-election of many of them is now just over five months away.

Two ‘Letters to the Editor’ from councillor­s defending themselves will be a drip feed compared to the deluge ahead!

Clearly the word “majority” has a different meaning at South Ayrshire Council

 ?? ?? Hot topic The Riverside flats in Ayr will be torn down by the council
Hot topic The Riverside flats in Ayr will be torn down by the council

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