Back Street Heroes



Re: Rick Hulse's article about health assistants.

I read his piece in BSH and, to tell the truth, my piss boiled over. My girlfriend is a nurse, and works in nurse education and she never fails to sing the praises of the HCA as she believes that the face-toface interactio­n and holding hands with the patients is a true medical contributi­on to their well-being - a simple human act.

My mother spent her final days in hospital, and there was one HCA who she described as a bit mad, a whirlwind in the ward, and my mum loved her. She sat on the edge of her bed, and talked nonsense to her (and would often sing), and my mum loved it.

HCAs are not forgotten nor ignored - the people who know... well, they just know. Remember all, that there are opinions that matter, and opinions that don't. The BBC is dying in the water, in my opinion - it's no longer valid in this world, and the report you mention does nothing to alter my view on this so f**k them and the non-binary, ethno-friendly vegan horse they rode in on.

Please give Mandy a hug from us, the average Joe Blow - we know, we care, and we thank her, and all that've rolled their sleeves up regardless of the risk to themselves, and done their duty above and beyond what's expected (and f**king miles beyond what they are paid for). God bless.

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