Baking Heaven

Highland cow cupcakes



For the cupcakes

200g (7oz) unsalted butter 200g (7oz) caster sugar 3 free- range eggs

1 tsp vanilla extract 200g (7oz) self- raising flour 4 tbsp milk

For the icing

100g (3½oz) milk chocolate 200g (7oz) unsalted butter 400g (14oz) icing sugar 5 tbsp cocoa powder

3 tbsp milk

For the nose & horns pink fondant icing white fondant icing

Preheat the oven to 180°C/ Gas Mark 4. Line a 12-hole cupcake tin with paper cases.

Soften the butter slightly in the microwave, then add to a bowl with the sugar and beat with an electric whisk for 3- 5 minutes until really fluffy.

Add the eggs one at a time (top tip is to add in a pinch or two of flour after the first egg to stop the mixture from curdling). Beat the mixture well after each egg. Add the vanilla extract and mix to combine.

Gently (this is important!) fold in the flour and just enough milk to make a smooth batter that drops easily off the spoon. I also add a tiny pinch of salt at this point, but that’s optional.

Divide the batter between the cases, then bake for 20 minutes. You will know your cupcakes are cooked when you poke the middle with a metal skewer and it comes out clean.

the cupcakes are cooling, you can make the buttercrea­m icing. Simply put all the ingredient­s in a large mixing bowl and beat with an electric whisk until fluffy, about 5 minutes.

For the pink noses, pinch off enough pink fondant icing to make a ball around the size of a 5p coin. Shape the ball into an oval, then press down with the tip of your finger to make it flat. To make the nostrils, you can use anything! I used the back of a pencil, but anything works. Make 12. For the horns, pinch off some of the white fondant and simply roll 24 horn shapes. Pop the noses and horns into the fridge to set for 15 minutes.

you can get started on piping the buttercrea­m icing onto the cupcakes. Make sure the cupcakes have cooled completely, otherwise the icing will melt. Pipe the icing downwards in single strokes to mimic hair (if it’s a little messy, it really doesn’t matter!).

Remove the fondant icing from the fridge, then attach the noses and horns.

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