Bangor Mail

Man is spared jail for sick ‘joke’ video


A CHICKEN factory worker who admitted sending an indecent video to a co-worker “as a joke” has been spared jail.

Stephen Barry Jones appeared for sentence at Caernarfon Crown Court after he admitted distributi­ng an indecent image of a child.

The 33-year-old, of Ffordd Corn Hir, Llangefni also admitted possession of such an image, and extreme porn involving an animal, and publishing an obscene video of a man having sex with a horse.

Judge Huw Rees told him: “Anyone who distribute­s this sort of image can expect to go to prison for up to three years.

“This was extremely foolhardy behaviour which could have robbed you of your liberty.

“Showing any interest in such images creates a demand for further abuse of children to satisfy the unhealthy, degenerate and lustful demands of people like you.”

Jones was handed a nine month community order with rehabilita­tion “to straighten your thinking as to what is humorous and what is not”: he must also do 100 hours of unpaid work.

Anna Price, prosecutin­g, said police were alerted in December 2017 about the obscene image of the child and the chicken sent to a colleague’s mobile phone.

The video had been “doing the rounds” at the chicken factory but the colleague’s wife found it sickening.

Miss Price said police went to the factory and Jones told them he hadn’t thought the video would cause any trouble.

He’d sent it to a number of people including a manager, and his own wife.

“He thought it was a laugh,” she added.

Jones told police there was also a video of a man having sex with a horse sent to him on Facebook.

Elen Owen, defending, said it was an unusual case and asked the judge to take into account his guilty pleas.

The court heard Jones had been sacked from his job at the factory and worked as a private ambulance driver.

His details will remain on the Sex Offenders Register for five years.

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