Bangor Mail



QI’VE just had my first baby and I’d really like to breastfeed, but I’m finding it almost impossible because it’s so painful. I’m too embarrasse­d to talk to my GP or friends about it – where else can I get help?

AMIDWIFE Marie Louise, who runs The Modern Midwife

(themodernm­, says: “Don’t be hard on yourself, many mums find breastfeed­ing tiring challengin­g and sometimes painful.

“However, if it hurts, it’s usually a warning sign that something isn’t quite right. Often pain is down to latching issues – your newborn should have a large portion of the lower part of the areola (the dark skin around your nipple) in his/her mouth, with your nipple against the roof of his/her mouth, and his/her tongue underneath.

“Sometimes milk ducts can get blocked, which can cause pain and redness – apply a warm washcloth and gently massage to release it. If you develop a fever or start feeling unwell, go straight to your GP or to your maternity assessment unit.

“Using a breast pump between breastfeed­ing could also help you recover between sessions and ease the pain. There are new pumps available now which are easier to use and have no wires or tubes.

“However, seeking help as soon as possible is the best thing you can do. You’re not alone in your fears, as research by Elvie found more than half of mums were too embarrasse­d to talk to their friends about breastfeed­ing issues, and more than a third (36%) didn’t feel comfortabl­e talking to their GP.

“However, a healthcare profession­al will be able to show you simple adjustment­s and different feeding positions that could drasticall­y improve your technique and ensure good latching, as well as check to make sure you don’t have an infection.

“You could try talking to your health visitor or midwife, otherwise you could speak to a lactation consultant, who’ll be able to give you specialise­d advice. You can easily search for your nearest consultant by visiting the Lactation Consultant­s of Great Britain (lcgb. org) website. Remember, you’re not alone and what you’re experienci­ng is very common even among the most experience­d mums.”

 ??  ?? Breast may be best but it’s not always easy
Breast may be best but it’s not always easy

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