Bangor Mail

Thought for the week

- Barry Bond

HOW are you feeling about post lockdown Britain? Cautious, uncertain, fearful? Wondering how to navigate this strange new world of masks, sanitiser, and second waves? It’s time to embrace our “new normal”; so what positives can we take from the last six months that will enhance our lives and help our mental health?

How about slowing down a little?

Lockdown forced the world to slow down, in a good way, and gave us all a chance to catch our breath.

Without diminishin­g the horrific effects of the pandemic that continue to rattle around the world, perhaps embracing a simple and slower lifestyle is a much needed tonic for all of us.

Pre Covid, our world seemed to have whirled itself into a dizzying state of chaos.

Being busy was the hallmark of success and progress. We dashed around from one daily routine to another, juggling all the plates, without so much as taking a breath.

We’ve saturated our brains with digital content, soaked our minds with social media and filled every corner of white space with something.

In the much quoted 23rd Psalm; David describes God like a gentle Shepherd who leads his flock to rest in green pastures. When did you last set all your troubles to one side and lie down for a much needed rest? God never promises to remove our troubles in this life, rather to walk with us, even carry us, through difficult times. To give us his comfort, his goodness and his mercy.

If lockdown has taught us anything, it’s that we don’t have to do life in fifth gear all the time. Resting is as important as doing. Perhaps even more important.

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