Bangor Mail

Thought for the week

- Fr. John Saleeb.

JANUARY marks the first month of the year and 2021 is the first year in the third decade of the twenty first century since the birth of Jesus Christ.

Every beginning is like a white page that is filled with our dreams, hopes and ambitions: a page not yet smudged with sadness or failure. We are blessed to have several beginnings in life.

They bring new chances for a better present and future than the past. Every day is a fresh opportunit­y: also, every week and every birthday.

The first day at school, the first day at a new job and the first moments in an important relationsh­ip will always be memorable.

Sometimes we might have a difficult beginning, but this can help us to really appreciate our final achievemen­ts. To reflect thoughtful­ly at the beginning of anything can be useful and comforting too.

Those who possess authority and power need to remember that everything that has a beginning also has an end. To have a good start, it is important to plan and prepare. However, what matter is how things are ended. They should reflect carefully about what kind of outcome they want to come to pass. Last year was full of adversity as the virus Covid-19 spread gradually throughout the population.

This has terrified many, hindered business and changed our life style but it will have an end. The holy Bible says: “Better is the end of a thing than its beginning; the patient in spirit are better than the proud in spirit.” (Ecclesiast­es 7: 8). Do not lose heart. With patience, hope and hard work we can achieve our goals for the future. Happy New Year!!

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