Bangor Mail

Dealer caught with £9k stash in uni digs


- David Powell

ADEALER was caught with drugs worth more than £9,000 in student accommodat­ion at Bangor University.

But Edward Waters immediatel­y said they were nothing to do with his girlfriend in the room.

The 35-year-old, of no fixed address, pleaded guilty to two counts of possession of two Class A drugs – MDMA and an hallucinog­enic drug – with intent to supply.

He also admitted possession of Class B drugs – amphetamin­e and cannabis with intent to supply.

A judge at Caernarfon Crown Court on Friday jailed him for four years for the Class A offences and 12 months, to run concurrent­ly, for the Class B offences.

Prosecutor Jade Tufail said police acting on intelligen­ce called at a room in a Bangor University accommodat­ion block on July 24, 2020.

There were drugs in the room and the defendant said they were his and it was “nothing to do with the female”.

The court heard there were four different types of drugs, including 129 green MDMA tablets worth up to £1,290, and 112 yellow MDMA tablets, worth up to £1,120.

There were also gummy bears with THC or cannabis, worth £270, among the haul.

Police also seized cash in a tin of bicarbonat­e of soda plus Waters’ mobile phone and laptop, said the prosecutor.

Ms Tufail said a drug expert estimated that the drugs had a potential value of £9,250.

Officers arrested Waters, but he gave “no comment” answers in an interview.

Dafydd Roberts, defending, noted that the defendant had accepted responsibi­lity for the drugs immediatel­y.

He has been in custody for 20 months while on recall for an unrelated offence and he asked the judge to take that into account.

He said he had taken courses while on remand.

The judge, His Honour Timothy Petts, told Waters he had been dealing in four different types of prohibited drugs.

Delays in forensic examinatio­n of the devices had not been excessive or unusual.

Indeed, Waters’ own decision to answer “no comment” in his interview had delayed matters.

Jailing him, the judge also ordered the forfeiture and destructio­n of the drugs, parapherna­lia and cash.

 ?? ?? Edward Waters
Edward Waters

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