Bangor Mail

Thought for the week

- Roger Boon

DO you feel loved? Are you special to anyone?

Maybe you watch celebritie­s on TV and in films and don’t think you are very special at all. That is absolutely not true.

You are an incredible piece of God’s creation.

Your DNA, the building blocks of human life, if stretched out, could reach to the sun and back 600 times!

The coding of your DNA contains 3 billion letters.

It would take fifty years to type it all out filling a million pages.

Love could be explained as wanting the best for someone and that’s exactly what God intends for us.

God loves you simply because he loves you.

You don’t have to work for His affection.

You don’t have to set yourself straight before God can pour out his love over you.

You are a walking miracle and God absolutely loves you.

It’s hard to get our minds around, but it is true.

This is where the journey of faith starts: understand­ing that God loves you.

There is no force more powerful than the love our God has for us, His children.

His love can heal wounded hearts, transform lives, and restore and set free those who have messed their lives up.

So great is his love for you and me that he sent his only Son, Jesus , so that we could get to know in an understand­able way what this love was really like.

God is not an angry taskmaster who shows affection only when you succeed.

He is a loving Father who will always love you no matter what.

Take time to receive the depth of his love for you today.

Invite Him in to allow his love to heal you, transform you, free you, and lead you to the abundant life He has always longed to give.

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