Bath Chronicle


Travel safely with these tips


■ AVOID travelling during peak times, and think about cycling and walking rather than taking public transport.

■ IF you’re driving, plan your route, including any breaks, before you set out. Your household or support bubble can travel together in a vehicle.

■ CHECK your car is safe and roadworthy if you haven’t used it for a while.

■ WATCH out for more pedestrian­s and cyclists on the road – and leave room for social distancing at traffic lights.

■ LIMIT the time you spend at garages, petrol stations and motorway services, pay by contactles­s where possible and keep your distance.

■ WASH or sanitise your hands regularly – and always when exiting or re-entering your vehicle and at the end of your journey.

■ DO not travel if you are experienci­ng any coronaviru­s symptoms, or are self-isolating because someone in your household or bubble has symptoms.

■ IF NHS test and trace has told you to self-isolate, do not travel.

■ keep two metres apart from anyone outside your household (or one metre-plus if you can’t). The two-metre distance must be maintained in Wales (wear a face mask if that’s not possible) and one metre in Northern Ireland.

■ WEAR a face covering (over your nose and mouth) in shops and on public transport: (which includes buses, trams, coaches, ferries, hovercraft, aircraft, cable cars). In Wales a three-layer face covering must be worn on public transport. ■ IT’S advised to wear a face covering in enclosed spaces where you can’t maintain social distancing, such as stations and taxis.

■ IN SCOTLAND face coverings must be worn in enclosed spaces such as shops and public transport, but you don’t need to wear one in pubs, cafes and banks. Maintain a two-metre distance (this doesn’t apply to children under 11).

■ AND remember: going off the beaten track makes it more likely you’ll find your own little piece of paradise.

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