Bath Chronicle

Our candidate will tackle crime issues


During the past year, Bath Labour Party members have knocked on thousands of doors and had interestin­g and informativ­e conversati­ons with Bath residents.

Among the many issues that people raise with us on the doorstep are concerns about crime and anti-social behaviour.

This is linked to issues about the reduction in policing after many years of austerity and the cuts in our youth services, health services and other preventati­ve public services which help to reduce offending and anti-social behaviour.

We are very pleased therefore, that Clare Moody has been selected as our Police and Crime Commission­er candidate for Avon and Somerset.

Clare has already been out with us talking to local people in Bath.

Clare came to a meeting of Labour Party members last week and outlined her plans for an effective strategy for policing across our area.

She has a tremendous personal record of achievemen­t, having been an MEP for our area until 2019. Clare stated that “Labour believes that feeling secure is the bedrock on which opportunit­ies are built, communitie­s can thrive, and local economies can prosper. As your Labour Police and Crime Commission­er, my mission will focus on the twin challenges of reducing crime and raising public confidence in our police”.

She will make a real impact with her insistence on community engagement and neighbourh­ood policing.

Labour nationally has a detailed policy and its top priority will be to restore local policing numbers with 13,000 new neighbourh­ood police and police community support officers.

A Labour PCC together with a Labour government will make a really big difference in keeping us safe and transformi­ng our experience of local policing.

Another of Clare’s priorities will be to tackle the high rates of violence against women and girls including domestic violence.

She will also work closely with local authoritie­s and local agencies to boost prevention measures.

The election for the Police and Crime Commission­er is in May 2024. The post is currently held by a Tory representa­tive who has been ineffectiv­e and virtually invisible for several years.

We came second in these elections last time around and so we have a very good chance of winning next May.

Meanwhile Clare will be out about meeting residents and community groups and talking to the services working in this field.

For more informatio­n or to get in touch, visit Clare’s website at www.

Pam Richards

Chair, Bath Labour Party

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