Bath Chronicle

Mr White ought to be proud to be woke


Well, I certainly seemed to have touched a nerve in Roger White as he tried to defend his use of the word “woke” as a pejorative term for anything he does not like.

The extreme right wing try to condemn anything vaguely centrist or left wing by using this term. As I already stated, just because the extreme right wing media like the Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Daily Express and GB News say so, it does not make it true.

As “woke” to everyone else means to be aware of the struggle of those less fortunate than ourselves, I am sorry that Mr White would not be proud to be woke.

Also, his claim that it is only the left wing that, by his definition, attempts to close down debate, I would point out the following:

Would he call “woke” the Brexit fanatics who tried to close down opposition by claiming that democracy must stop because we had voted once and that was it?

Would he call Boris Johnson “woke” when he illegally tried to prorogue Parliament and his acolytes called the Supreme Court judges “enemies of the people”?

Would he call “woke” the right wing faction attempting to infiltrate the National Trust because they object to the trust pointing out the links to slavery of their properties?

But I would agree with him that unregulate­d social media is a modern evil, leading to the phenomenon of the “keyboard warrior” who spouts their particular hobbyhorse on the airwaves.

However, these people do usually exist in their own echo-chamber of like minded individual­s which leads them to think that the whole world agrees with them. Nigel Jones


 ?? ?? E-bikes are coming to Bath. Letter writer Roger White welcomes them.
E-bikes are coming to Bath. Letter writer Roger White welcomes them.

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