Bath Chronicle

The Bible can help our mental health


Many people are affected by mental health issues for different reasons whether their own or those of their loved ones and, without a doubt, we are living in “critical times hard to deal with”.

In 2020 the Covid-19 pandemic resulted in an increase in anxiety and major depressive disorders.

Good mental health is a state of well-being where you feel good and can function well and cope with normal stresses, work productive­ly and feel satisfied with life.

A mental disorder is NOT the result of a personal weakness but is a medical condition that causes significan­t distress and disrupts a person’s thinking, emotional control and behaviour.

It can often upset a person’s ability to relate to others and to handle the daily demands of life and affects people of any age, culture, race, tribe, religion, educationa­l background or income level.

The wisest man who ever lived, Jesus Christ, stated “Healthy people do not need a physician, but those who are ill do” (Matthew 9:12) and those struggling with health challenges who receive appropriat­e medical therapy and medication can do much to minimise their symptoms and can be helped to live a productive and fulfilling life. It is wise not to delay treatment if the symptoms are serious or prolonged and each individual should carefully evaluate his or her options before making a personal decision.

The Bible is not a medical guidebook but what it contains can benefit our mental health and can help in practical ways dealing with distressin­g circumstan­ces, turbulent thought patterns, painful emotions, and upsetting physical and mental health issues – see Psalms 34:18 and Isaiah 41:13.

Recently a lot of emphasis is being placed on “talking” to each other and the God of the Bible encourages us to talk to him about any burden that weighs on our mind and heart (Psalms 55:22).

No problem is too big or small to pray about and is an important step toward gaining peace of mind (Phillippia­ns 4:6,7,8). When we struggle with our mental heath we may feel completely alone and other people do not always understand fully what we are going through (Proverbs 14:10) but the God of the Bible is sensitive to what we are dealing with and can do much to help us keep going and understand­s what we are going through and provides the Bible to comfort and encourage all who choose to look into its pages.

Positive thoughts can replace negative ones, help us to counteract worthless ones, be reassuring and the promise that God will put an end to painful memories (Revelation 21:3,4) a comfort.

The Bible’s pages are filled with real-life accounts of men and women who experience­d a wide range of emotions – Moses, Elijah, David, Hannah and Job.

Exercise is good for your body (1 Timothy 4:8), a joyful heart is good medicine but a crushed spirit saps one’s strength (Proverbs 17:22).

Accept the help of others being reasonable with expectatio­ns and always appreciati­ve.

The Bible helps us to be balanced when it comes to work and rest.

Friends can listen (James 1:19), speak consolingl­y (1 Thessaloni­ans 5:19), show genuine love (Proverbs 17:17), be patient (1 Thessaloni­ans 5:14).

The Bible is not out-dated but it’s a gift that’s been preserved for thousands of years for a reason and provides guidance and comfort to deal with mental distress (Isaiah 65:17). Study it and prove this to yourself and see how it can benefit you now and in the future (Jeremiah 29:11) .

Sue Pilgrim

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