BBC History Magazine

Sky watchers are stunned


Did aliens visit England in the 1960s? If the newspapers are anything to go by, the answer is a resounding yes. Sightings of UFOs across Britain were continuall­y reported in the press, and in 1968 one of the most interestin­g occurred. The city of Coventry was brought to a late night standstill by “a high-speed flying object”, described by one observer to be “diamond-shaped, with a long tail”. These “sky-watchers”, as the Coventry Evening Telegraph christened them, watched the object through binoculars as it hovered over central Coventry for approximat­ely 15 minutes, before disappeari­ng “away through the clouds”.

Mr Nigel Coupland, on duty as a security officer, said that at around 10pm he and a colleague had witnessed a “red-glowing star-like object” over Earlsdon. “I thought that it looked about the size of a hovercraft, lit up,” Mr Coupland said. Many people reported the same sighting that night, and questions of a ‘ hush hush’ transatlan­tic flight were quickly shut down by an official from the Ministry of Technology. So what was it that so many people saw that night? News story sourced from britishnew­spaperarch­ and rediscover­ed by Fern Riddell. Fern regularly appears on BBC Radio 3’s Free Thinking

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