BBC History Magazine



8 Erasmus ____, 18th-century British physician and botanist, grandfathe­r to a celebrated naturalist (6)

9 Nineteenth and 20th-century Dutch exotic dancer whose name became a synonym for a seductive female spy (4,4)

11/6 down A nickname of William IV, acknowledg­ing his naval career (3,6,4)

12 Illuminate­d gospel texts in Latin, dating from AD 800, which are now a major tourist attraction in Dublin (4,2,5)

13 See 25 across

15 2aci c island whose inhabitant­s descend from the mutineers from the Bounty and the Tahitians who accompanie­d them (8)

17 Regnal title of the 17th-century Mughal emperor Aurangzeb (7)

19 First name of the 15th and 16thcentur­y Italian navigator who explored the New World on behalf of Spain and later Portugal (7)

20 The sudden collapse of this airline in 2017 was the largest in UK aviation history up to that point (7)

22 Battle of 16 June 1815, in which Napoleon defeated Prussian troops under Blucher’s command (5)

24 Name, rUt uUeF b[ .innaeuU in to identify our species (4,7)

25/13 Former actor who, revered by the working classes, rose to political prominence during her husband’s presidency (3,5)

26 ____ Andrewes (1555–1626), theologian and defender of Anglican doctrines (8)

27 Historical term, deriving from the Italian/ French for the countries of the eastern Mediterran­ean shores (6)

Down 1

French cabaret singer, nicknamed ‘Little Sparrow’, who achieved internatio­nal fame (5,4)

2 One of the major Algonquian-speaking native peoples of Canada (4)

3 English historian, Edward, whose most famous work is The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (6) 4 Indian term for a member of a criminal gang, such as was led by the ‘Bandit Queen’, Phoolan Devi (6) 5 Leader of a major Kentish rebellion (1450) against corruption and abuse of power within Henry VI’s government (4,4) 6 See 11 across 7 Former name of an Adriatic island, location of naval battles of 1811 (British versus

French) and 1866 (Austrians versus Italians) (5) 10 Surname, derived from Middle English, that means a maker of barrels (6)

14 A practice carried out by interwar Germany in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, and intenUi eF unFer the 0a\i regiOe

16 Its members formed ‘conservati­ve’ associatio­ns, following Britain’s Reform Act of 1832, extending electoral rights to the middle class (4,5)

18 eg Bugs Moran (8)

19 Last name of a highly successful 20th-century designer of English Romantic style furnishing and clothing fabrics (6)

21 Humphry ____, 18th/19th-century English landscape designer, regarded as the successor to Capability Brown (6)

22 19th-century British surgeon, pioneer of antiseptic and preventati­ve medicine (6)

23 Prehistori­c people from the Arctic coast of Alaska, who preceded the Inuits (5)

25 ‘Plague village’ in the Derbyshire Dales that, in , cut itUelH oʘ to RreXent

the spread of the disease (4)

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 ??  ?? uho is this French singer? (see 1 down)
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uho is this French singer? (see 1 down) Compiled by

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