BBC Music Magazine

Reformatio­n celebratio­n


The Chamber Orchestra of Europe and Yannick Nézetségui­n have recorded Mendelssoh­n’s five symphonies.

Why now? Well, 2017 marks the 500th anniversar­y of the Lutheran Reformatio­n, an event that the Romantic composer celebrated in his Reformatio­n Symphony of 1829. The piece was written for the 300th anniversar­y in 1830 of the Augsburg Confession – one of the central documents of Lutheranis­m. Nézet-séguin conducts the original version of the Fifth Symphony, reinstatin­g passages Mendelssoh­n later cut, for this Deutsche Grammophon recording. It’s the first complete symphony cycle to be recorded in the Philharmon­ie de Paris, which opened in 2015, and follows the same team’s complete Schumann symphony cycle – our May 2014 Recording of the Month.

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