BBC Wildlife Magazine




1 Single-celled protozoan (6) 4 African tree with a barrel-like trunk (6) 8 Fish whose suckers allow them to adhere to larger sea creatures (7)

9 South American hummingbir­d of the genus Aglaeactis (7)

11 Fragrant flower, often used in the manufactur­e of oils and perfumes (6, 4)

12 Razorbills, guillemots and puffins, for example (4)

13 Omnivorous forest mammal of the New World, related to raccoons (5) 14 A male zebra or onager (8) 16 Legume of the pea family, rich in protein and widely eaten (4, 4)

18 The ___ anteater, Cyclopes didactylus, is the smallest existing anteater species (5)

20 The ___ robin of New Guinea is also known as the black-cheeked robin (4)

21 Four-footed animals (10)

23 Plant, Linum usitatissi­mum, grown for food and fibre and also known as flax (7)

24 Term for plants that grow at high elevations, often above the tree-line (7)

25 Citrus fruits of a tree in the family Rutaceae (6)

26 The rare ___ shark takes its name from a river that flows through India and Bangladesh (6)


1 Tiny Hawaiian rainforest bird (5) 2 Order of insects that includes the dragonflie­s and damselflie­s (7) 3 Widespread bird of prey, known to scavenge as well as hunt (5, 4) 5 The ___ tit of Russia and central Asia is the eastern counterpar­t of the blue tit (5) 6 ___ squid are related to the cuttlefish and also known as dumpling squid (7) 7 Dark-coloured parrot of South-East Asia with a red and yellow undertail (5, 4) 10 North American plant of the genus Toxicodend­ron (6, 3) 13 Finch that feeds on pine cones – may also be Scottish or parrot (9) 15 Native country of the koala, bilby, potoroo and platypus (9) 17 Genus of flowering plants that includes Lobularia maritima or sweet Alison (7) 19 Species of plover, sometimes known as the peewit or green plover (7) 21 Dominant female in a bee colony (5) 22 The plant Reseda luteola, once used to produce yellow pigment, is also known as ___’_ weed (5)

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