BBC Wildlife Magazine



Smooth newt

Adults can grow up to 10cm in length. During the breeding season males develop a wavy crest along their backs. Their bellies are usually yellow or orange with black spots or blotches. Our commonest newt tends to favour alkaline ponds.

Great water boatman

Also known as the back-swimmer, this predatory bug ( below) has cases called elytra that protect its delicate hind-wings. Hanging upside down just below the water’s surface, it waits for its prey to create vibrations before using its hind legs to propel after its dinner in a rowing motion.

Common frog

Our most familiar amphibian and only frog to be found in the vast majority of ponds ( above) can often be seen during the early spring mating season. By June most surviving tadpoles will have transforme­d into froglets and will be dispersing.

Large red damselfly

This insect, as its name suggests, is large and red, with varying amounts of black on its abdomen. The species is common and widespread around garden ponds and can be spotted on the wing from May until late August.

Pond skater

This T predatory water bug uses hairy h pads at the end of its four rear r legs to skate around on the water’s w surface. The invertebra­te’s shorter s front legs are used to grasp g prey. Once its victim is caught c it is pierced by the pond skater’s s proboscis before having its i fluids sucked out.

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