
Claire King: ‘I don’t care if people think I’ve aged’

Claire King talks beauty secrets, having a ‘ young spirit’, and why she doesn’t mind not getting wolf-whistles any more…


Actress Claire King, 55, is one of those women who seems effortless­ly glamorous. When best meets the Harrogate-born actress, who lives in the Yorkshire Dales with her long-term boyfriend, she bats such compliment­s away with a flick of the hand and a husky laugh.

Yet there’s no denying it… her figure is sensationa­l, her features striking, and there are flashes of the mischievou­s expression we first became acquainted with when she played bad girl Kim Tate in

Emmerdale – her best-loved acting role to date.

And, while Claire is the first to admit that she doesn’t look like she did in her 20s or 30s, she oozes the confidence of someone who’s comfortabl­e in her own skin.

Here, the popular actress, who was once a Bad Girl and now plays Erica in Coronation

Street, opens up about ageing, wolf-whistles, and what life has taught her so far…

Claire, you’re looking fabulous. How exactly do you do it?

Oh, living in the country with lots of fresh air. And I take my make-up off every night and drink lots of water. I don’t go to the gym because of the bloody rheumatoid arthritis I’ve had for 25 years, but I walk my dogs and ride my horses. I try to keep stress out of my life. Nothing ages you quicker than stress.

Have you ever had ‘work’ done?

I did once have a ‘stitch lift’ [a minimally invasive procedure done under local anaestheti­c], but it was a temporary thing to give me a boost – the jowls are back now! I don’t do Botox or filler. I’d have to feel pressure from the industry, and you don’t really get that in Britain; it’s more in America. I’ve always been a rebel, so I’ll fight against what’s popular. There’s no way I’ll be a size 6 – I’m a womanly

shape, and my bloke likes that.

You seem very confident about your looks…

Well, we all age – it’s inevitable – and I first noticed things creasing and going south at 40, but I’m 55 now and I don’t look too bad. I’ve got a nice life and a good partner; I love where I live, and my holiday home in Spain. I wouldn’t want to be a young starlet heading to Hollywood. I’m happy with my lot.

Do you miss the attention you got as a younger woman?

Sometimes – I find there isn’t half as much whistling coming from scaffoldin­g these days! But then, guys get accused of sexism when they give women attention like that now, don’t they? I’m like, ‘No – bring it on!’

Fashion-wise, do you have a go-to style?

Sharp and structured ‘ horsey’ clothes and riding boots. A bit cowboy/country chic, but not too tweedy – there has to be some leather or suede thrown in. There’s always a twist where my style is concerned. Punk was a huge part of my life, and I thought I’d be past all that by now, but I’m not! I think that’s why I still wear leather jackets and love my music loud. When my other half gets in the car, he goes, ‘Oh, my God – it’s the oldest rocker in town!’

Should people avoid certain styles when they’re older?

It depends on the individual. If you’ve got great legs at 50, show them off, but if you’re 25st, a crop top and a short skirt aren’t going to work. It’s also about what’s going on in your head. In mine, I’m still 27 and hanging out in the Marquee Club in [London’s] Wardour Street! Then I look in the mirror and go, ‘ Who is that?!’ But I’ve got a young spirit, I think, and that shows through no matter what age you are. You can get away with more.

How is your home life with your partner?

We’re in our 10th year together now, and we’re comfortabl­e with each other. Like my ex [Peter Amory, who played Kim Tate’s stepson, Chris, in Emmerdale], we started off as friends, so we have things in common, although in many ways we’re chalk and cheese! He’s a good Yorkshire lad who doesn’t give a damn about showbiz.

What’s going on with your Corrie character, Erica?

She’s having a quiet spell, but she’s got a big moment coming up. That’s all I can say! It’s quite exciting. I like Erica – she’s fun, loyal and there’s no edge to her, unlike the bitchy characters I’ve played before.

Talking of bitchy characters, is Kim Tate still your favourite role?

Oh, it is – they wrote so well for me. And learning lines was so easy back then. Now, my memory has started to go, so I find I have to go over and over my lines.

Do any other parts take your fancy?

Well, Dynasty’s coming back, so maybe I could be the next Alexis!

What have your 50s taught you so far?

Don’t regret it if you make a cock-up; learn from it. I’ve gone off the rails in the past, partying and drinking too much, but you only see that with hindsight. It’s about where your head is in life. When people are going through trauma, they turn to different things. I don’t have regrets, because my mistakes have all led me to where I am now. I wish I had more years on the planet, I wish I could still pogo up and down like I used to but, you know what? I’m happy.

‘I went off the rails but I don’t have regrets – my mistakes have all led me to where I am now’

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Tuxedo jacket, £59.99 Tuxedo trousers, £29.99 Scarf, £17, all Zara Silk shirt, £69, Autograph by M&S Shoes, £19.99, New Look
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 ??  ?? Playing scarlet woman Kim was a high point for Claire
Playing scarlet woman Kim was a high point for Claire

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