
Little ham & egg pies

These little parcels of ham and egg are perfect straight out of the oven or make a great snack when cooled down.

- To make these even more quickly you can leave off the pastry lids and just scatter a little grated cheese on top.

7 eggs 2tbsp milk 1tbsp wholegrain mustard 20g Cheddar cheese, grated 1tbsp fresh parsley, chopped 40g smoked ham, chopped 320g pre-made shortcrust pastry 2tbsp butter

1 Pre-heat the oven to 200ºC. Whisk the eggs, then fold in the milk, mustard, cheese, parsley, seasoning and ham.

2 Roll out the pastry to just under the thickness of a £1 coin then, using an upside down mug, cut out 12 rings – these are your bases.

3 Using the offcuts, form a ball, re-roll and then using a slightly smaller upside down glass, cut out 12 pastry lids.

4 Lightly butter the edges of your mince pie tin and place a piece of baking paper at the bottom of each one.

5 Gently place one pastry base into each cup until all 12 are done, then using a ladle (remember to give the mixture a good stir) fill each pastry cup up to the top and gently place the pastry lid on top.

6 Use any remaining mixture as egg-wash to brush over the top of each lid to give a nice colour when cooked.

7 Pop into the oven for 10-12 mins and voilà! You’re done!

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