
The happy hormone diet


Eating foods rich in the 1

amino acid tryptophan, including turkey, eggs, salmon and seeds, triggers the production of serotonin – the mood-boosting hormone that can help ease tension and prevent cravings. Avoiding foods that are natural stressers, such as caffeine, sugar and salt, can help the body stay balanced.

Suzie Sawyer (from 2

nutritionl­ explains that fibre is also important for keeping everything moving – you can find it in all kinds of beans, quinoa, lentils, oats, fresh vegetables and rye.

Start the day with home-made 3

muesli – mix oat flakes, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, sultanas and apricots – to balance hormone levels. Add fresh berries and swap regular milk for almond or coconut.

Tempted by chocolate when 4

you’re struggling with PMS? Sugar can increase mood swings. Instead, make sure you eat something every three hours, cut down to two caffeine drinks a day and snack on watermelon.

Eat more fish. The omega-3 5

fats in fish like tuna and mackerel help improve brain function, reducing low mood, and the prostaglan­din hormones the body makes from fish oils help keep it in balance.

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