
Carol McGiffin

Go straight to jail!


‘S o, wolf-whistling could soon be considered a “hate crime”, punishable by law. At the moment, women can report men who do it to the police, but because almost nothing can be done about it, police chiefs are pushing for it to be made as serious as abuse targeted at people for their sexual orientatio­n, race or religion.

It’s not a joke, and it will happen, because this country has lost the plot as far as law and order go. Burglars and drug dealers are often not caught, or given suspended or soft sentences, let out of prison early, and are free to roam the streets to terrorise the public further.

Meanwhile, the cops are busy building their case to create new “hate” offences, doing surveys, and looking for what they call “misogynist­ic behaviour”, i.e. wolf-whistling. They clearly don’t know the meaning of the word, because the most heinous of crimes against women and the definition of true misogyny, FGM [female genital mutilation], goes unpunished.

At the same time, a happy-go-lucky builder gives an attractive girl a little whistle, and could up in jail with a lifelong entry on the Sex Offenders Register.

Campaigner­s say it has to be stopped, because it’s a slippery slope that can lead to sexual abuse. But this is surely offensive to 99.9 per cent of men who wouldn’t dream of abusing or hurting women! Where will it end? How long before men can’t even look at women, or speak to them, without being accused of a sex crime?’


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