


Calum: I’m a big believer in the law of attraction, the universe and how it works, and I want to share something with you that happened to me. It backs up all the things I keep preaching about on these pages and at my business, Best Me Life!

About six months ago, we booked an expo called the Ideal Home Show in London, to showcase our journals. They’re all about inspiring ourselves and setting goals. So, we chose a backdrop of a tall, beautiful mountain to represent not only climbing and conquering hurdles, but also our all-important goals.

Fast-forward to July this year, and I was climbing Mont Blanc in Chamonix, France, for the charity Nocoa – the National Associatio­n for Children of Alcoholics. It was a tough challenge, but I took a picture halfway up that resembles exactly what we did six months before, without even knowing it!

For me, this just goes to show the power of manifestat­ion, visualisat­ion and the universe. Of course, I’m not saying that the universe makes all these things happen, but I believe if you do things with pure and good intentions, as well as the end goal being for the right reasons – not only for yourself, but for others – the universe will back you completely.

Having completed such a huge feat, I’m already working on my next venture. I challenge you to give it a go, too! Set a goal of something you want to accomplish for yourself or for others. It doesn’t have to be a 4,810m-high mountain – it can be something much smaller, but try visualisin­g it and manifest it as much as possible. Give yourself a goal of, say, until December, and let me know the outcome.

Remember that a key factor in making this work is doing things for the right reasons, especially in business. People can easily make money being ruthless and immoral, but if it’s done correctly with a pure heart, the law of attraction will be on your side.

 ??  ?? It’s a climb – a ‘real’ representa­tion of Calum’s goals
It’s a climb – a ‘real’ representa­tion of Calum’s goals

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