
‘Half the woman I was’

At 19st Jo Slater was camera shy and too embarrasse­d to sit down on the train or eat in a restaurant. Now, 9st lighter she can’t wait to go out for lunch and pose with her kids on Mother’s Day…


Ican’t pinpoint the moment that I finally decided to take control of my weight. It has been an ongoing battle for most of my adult life.

In January most years I’d join a slimming club, shed a few pounds, but within months I’d have slipped back into my unhealthy habits. Mountains of food, crisps and a carton of ice cream a night.

And, if I’m really honest, my problems began in childhood…

My body changed earlier than my friends and I had big boobs, which always made me feel larger than I actually was.

Then, when I was a teen, I went to an all-girls’ boarding school and I never made sensible choices at mealtimes. I’d eat a lot of chips and spent my pocket money on crisps at the weekend. On the whole, I didn’t eat terribly, but by the time I left school I was 5ft 4in and a size 14.

My issues with food and overeating didn’t really arise until

I met my thenhusban­d in the Eighties. When we set up home together, I wanted to make nice dinners and I always made mountains of food.

We got our first microwave, too, which opened up a world of ready meals – not so good for healthy eating.

By the time I fell pregnant in late 1991, I was a size 18, and promptly gained two dress sizes. When our son, Ben, arrived I was utterly besotted with him. He was my focus and I’d grab food as and when I could.

Three months later, I fell pregnant with Becca and put on more weight. When she was born, I was content – but life was hectic! As the kids grew, I made sure they ate healthily, but I didn’t extend the same courtesy to myself.

My portions were huge and

I grazed on crisps throughout the day. Five years later, my husband left unexpected­ly. The upside was that the ‘divorce diet’ helped me shed 3st and I kept it off – for a while, anyway…

It wasn’t until five years later that I met Ashley online. He was a gardener, loved the outdoors and adored dogs as much as I did. He never tried to parent the kids, but he was always there if they needed a lift or a shoulder to cry on.

When he moved in with me in 2004, I fell back into my old ways, making massive dinners and, before I knew it, I was a size 22 again.

Ashley always made me feel special, but I wasn’t happy with my weight. I avoided being in pictures, didn’t like going out for dinner in case people stared and wondered why I was eating.

By 2010, I was on medication for my high blood pressure and, although doctors didn’t explicitly say it, I knew my weight probably didn’t help.

‘I never once felt like I was being deprived’

I’d avoid sitting down on the train in case I didn’t fit into the seat. I never went to the theatre for the same reason and, while holidays should have been a happy time, I didn’t enjoy them.

I was always looking for the next fad diet, but nothing seemed to work.

In January 2018, as I had done most years, I decided to join WW online. I wouldn’t have to leave the house to get weighed, and I didn’t know how well I’d do, but I was determined to try. At 19st and a size 24, I needed to.

For the first-time ever, I gave myself permission to prioritise myself and my health. I wrote down everything I ate, stuck to my allocated points and never once felt like I was being deprived.

I loved that I could scan food items at the supermarke­t with my WW app, which would tell me how many points were in it. It made it easier to make healthy choices.

In my first week I lost 4lbs and, somehow, six months later I’d dropped 50lbs (over 3st). Something just clicked, and I knew I would never go back to my old ways. People paid me compliment­s and it really spurred me on.

I took inspiratio­n from other people on Instagram and enjoyed trying new recipes. When friends told Ashley how well I’d done, he’d diplomatic­ally say: ‘She looks lovely whatever size she is.’

By January last year, I’d lost a total of 8st and felt like a different person. I had much more energy, could walk our dogs for hours and no longer felt people were staring at me.

Now, at 55, I’m 9st 9lbs, a size 10, medication-free and I know the kids are proud of me. ‘ You’ve done brilliantl­y,’ Ben always says, and Becca makes a fuss of how I’m dressed. It’s really touching.

I’m not sure what we’ll be doing this Mother’s Day, but I know I won’t mind having my pictures taken with the kids – or eating out. As long as I track my food, of course!

 ??  ?? Jo would eat mountains of food at mealtimes
Jo would eat mountains of food at mealtimes
 ??  ?? The mum- of-two is determined not fall back into old habits
The mum- of-two is determined not fall back into old habits
 ??  ?? Walking the dogs has helped Jo stay slim
Walking the dogs has helped Jo stay slim

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