
Christine’s confession: ‘I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck’

Christine Lampard, sitting in on ITV’s Lorraine, opens up on life with Frank and Patricia, our new world and coping without a glam squad on TV…


Northern Irish beauty Christine Lampard, a regular face on Loose Women, is holding the fort for Lorraine Kelly on her ITV morning show. A doting mum to her first child, daughter Patricia, one, with hubby and Chelsea manager Frank Lampard, the 41-year-old opens up about how she’s been recently, as she talks about her life postlockdo­wn, reuniting with family and being a (very) busy mum…

Hi Christine – how are you finding life as we unlock?

I’m seeing my family for the first time, at the moment. That was the hardest thing for me. I’m lucky that’s all I’m finding difficult – so many people have lost loved ones at this horrendous time and experience­d real hardships. Not being able to see your family, for me, has certainly been the worst aspect of it. I normally try to get home once a month, or they come over. But obviously that’s not possible – and so many families are in the same situation. When I finally got to see them, it was emotional. We’ve been in touch constantly. With a little one, you really appreciate the relationsh­ip they have with their grandparen­ts. I didn’t like them not being part of that, missing out on all the cute little things they do, day-to-day.

Everything’s still a bit different in the studio, isn’t it?

I have been lucky, because I’ve been on Loose Women throughout all of this. I just think things are as relaxed as they can be, and we get through it as best we can. At least we still have people wanting to come on and talk. Frank has been back weeks now. It’s strange when you have work, you feel a little bit... normal. I don’t think Patricia worries about me doing Lorraine every day! The timings mean I only really miss her breakfast, which Frank will do, but I will be back early and I’ll still be able to put her down for her nap, spend the rest of the day with her, and put her to bed at night-time.

So, did you rush straight out to the salon when they re-opened?!

I haven’t been to the salon yet! I know a lot of people have really missed going, but I’ve actually enjoyed just letting my hair grow. There’s no hair and make-up on set – and none of that bothers me, to be honest. I just miss the girls who do it.

How have you kept fit, the past few months?

I walk lots and I’m lifting Patricia every day! I do as much walking as I can, with the dog and the baby. I never sit down. I’m on the go constantly with her, and then come 7pm, I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck.

Are you anxious about getting out and about?

Because we’ve both been working – Frank’s been away – he gets tested twice a week, and he’s in a hotel twice a week, it seems like we’ve almost been fast-tracked into ‘the new normal’! Going back to everyday life might be a bit odd, but we have to be grateful we are able to do it.

What have you been looking forward to doing, now lockdown’s easing?

Taking my family out for lunch has been top of the list! To order food and not to have to clear up afterwards. That’s the most exciting thing. I haven’t been to a bar or anything like that. Even that will be exciting. I’m looking forward to all those things over the summer.

What’s the biggest life lesson you’ll take from this? It sounds clichéd, but just appreciati­ng the little things: going out for a drink, or seeing family. All I wanted was to sit down and have a cup of tea with my mum – and the fact that I couldn’t do that absolutely broke my heart. Like so many of us, I struggled with not being able to see my parents. Thankfully, we’ve not been ill, but some really good friends of ours have been…

You’ve been in TV a long time now. What’s your career highlight?

I still pinch myself when I’m doing Lorraine’s show. She’s a complete stalwart of television, she’s the ‘Boss Lady’. To think she feels like I’m in any way up to scratch to keep things ticking along until she comes back, means a great deal to me. I never get bored of it. I never say, ‘I’m going into work today’, I say, ‘I’m doing Lorraine today, or Loose Women’. I can’t quite get the word ‘work’ out and that’s a real blessing. If you find something in your life you enjoy, you never have to work a day again.

Lorraine is on ITV, weekdays at 9am.

‘I feel like I’ve been hit by a truck!’

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